2013年12月21日 星期六
2013年9月20日 星期五
Alexandre Desplat亞歷山大·戴斯培
Alexandre Michel Gérard Desplat (French pronunciation: [a.lɛk.sɑ̃dʁ dɛ.pla]; born 23 August 1961) is a French film composer. He has received five Academy Awardnominations, six BAFTA nominations, six Golden Globe nominations, and two Grammynominations. Desplat won his first Golden Globe for The Painted Veil in 2006 and his first British Academy Film Award in 2011. Among various projects, Desplat has worked on a variety of Hollywood films, including independent and commercial successes likeThe Queen, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, New Moon, Fantastic Mr. Fox,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 and Part 2, and The King's Speech.
![Alexandre Desplat 2013.jpg](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/af/Alexandre_Desplat_2013.jpg/220px-Alexandre_Desplat_2013.jpg)
Alexandre Michel Gérard Desplat (French pronunciation: [a.lɛk.sɑ̃dʁ dɛ.pla]; born 23 August 1961) is a French film composer. He has received five Academy Awardnominations, six BAFTA nominations, six Golden Globe nominations, and two Grammynominations. Desplat won his first Golden Globe for The Painted Veil in 2006 and his first British Academy Film Award in 2011. Among various projects, Desplat has worked on a variety of Hollywood films, including independent and commercial successes likeThe Queen, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, New Moon, Fantastic Mr. Fox,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 and Part 2, and The King's Speech.
![Alexandre Desplat 2013.jpg](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/af/Alexandre_Desplat_2013.jpg/220px-Alexandre_Desplat_2013.jpg)
我最近無意中在Wall Street Journal 讀了一篇有關Alexandre Desplat的訪問,有點驚訝這位今年50歲的法裔電影配樂作曲家,經歷了27年的配樂生涯,迄今已創作過超過100套電影配樂。
其實我還是後知後覺,到了看【The Curious Case of Benjamin Button】的時候,才開始留意到他的名字,然後再看看其他電影credit,更赫然發現他是位多產作曲家,李安導演的【色戒】,居然也是來自他的手筆。
不知是否是法國人關係,雖然目前已是身居美國的荷里活當紅作曲家,Alexandre Desplat的作品風格,卻帶著濃厚的19世紀法國浪漫樂派作曲家Berlioz的影子,配器結構層次豐富,和弦與旋律的配搭,變化多端而充滿想像力。
Alexandre Desplat的作品多不勝數,以下是其中我最欣賞的幾段電影配樂,當中有那個電影場面,會令你對他譜過的旋律有多少印象?
2013年8月16日 星期五
Benjamin Britten - War Requiem
Schleswig-Holstein Musik-Festival 1992 - Abschlusskonzert
Benjamin Britten: War Requiem op. 66
John Eliot Gardiner, ... , NDR-Sinfonieorchester, ...
Schleswig-Holstein Musik-Festival 1992 - Abschlusskonzert
Benjamin Britten: War Requiem op. 66
John Eliot Gardiner, ... , NDR-Sinfonieorchester, ...
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